The United Church of Canada
The Petite Riviere Pastoral Charge
April 15th, 2017
To the Honorable Stephen MacNeil:
I am writing today on behalf of the Petite Riviere Pastoral Charge of The United Church of Canada with regards to the closing of the Petite Riviere Elementary School in Lunenburg County on the South Shore.
As a clergy I have been ministering in this area since September 2008 and am blessed to know many of the parents and families who have young children attending this wonderful school.
I understand that many difficult decisions have to be made in the Education System and that both rural and urban schools at all levels are continually being evaluated, however, it has been devastating news for so many in our area to hear your decision to close the Petite Riviere Elementary School in June 2018.
Unaware of all the variables that led to this decision – I am very aware of the high anxiety and stress that many are feeling at this time. Petite Riviere Elementary has a spirit and energy like no other I have seen through my years of ministry and I believe that with the loss of this school so much of the community energy, moral and spirit will be diminished BUT these are secondary to what is the primary focus – the children! Through all the planning and projecting – these children should come first! Sometimes in our “professional” and “adult” decisions, we forget the very people that we are “in a trusted position” to care and provide for.
Five of the communities I serve as minister have children attending school in Petite Riviere. They are presently bused in the bus times allowed within the policy but if the school closes (and they are bused to Hebbville), the travel time will be much more excessive. I have been told that there are 13 Grade Primary students enrolled for the Fall 2017 and that 5 new children are being transferred into the school. That is a 12% increase. Busing these young children for several hours each day, especially in their first year(s) is not taking their emotional and physical wellbeing into account.
I love the cliché, “Where there’s a will, there’s a way”. Sometimes when finances are tight in our church people think they only have “one option” or “no option”. Many have been surprised to realize that when there IS “a heart and desire for the dream” the finances come! I have also been in situations – when decisions were reversed – for the best of all concerned!
Please reconsider possibilities that will enable these young children to attend their rural school which not only has a reputation for a high achieving learning space but also provides a sense of security and personal care for them as well. In a world that is continually “losing” its sense of small community – we can make a difference for these little children in Petite Riviere.
Thank you for your time and consideration,
Rev. Vivian Moores
Petite Riviere, Nova Scotia
What a beautiful letter.