Dear Ms. Casey,
I am writing to you to express my concern over the SSRSB meeting on February 22, 2017 that I attended in which the motion to close Petite Riviere Elementary School was discussed.
I was very hopeful going into the meeting that the board would have a chance to review new information regarding projected enrollment numbers, and new circumstances surrounding the availability of money for an Addition & Alteration to either Petite or Pentz. This was not the case. Instead the board emphasized old information, discussed the finality of the motion to close the schools, and the legal opinion of their lawyer, which is only an opinion and does not mean that the motion cannot be rescinded.
With new information, and new circumstances the motion to close the schools may be rescinded and considering how many errors were made in the passing of the motion that the board admitted to (the contingency to open a new school in the area, the lack of legal council in place during the vote on the motion, and not letting the public know about the appeal process), I find it unconscionable that the board would call a motion to rescind “out of order” which Elliot Payzant did.
I do not feel that this board is working in the best interests of the community or it’s children nor do I think it is responsible to burden the municipality with 2 more empty schools. I do not feel comfortable paying for a sub-par education for my children while at the same time watching a perfectly good building (according to the Stantec report that was just done on it) rot away.
In addition, I think it is a disservice to the education of the children at Hebbville Academy where the SSRSB projected most students from Petite and Pentz to relocate to, potentially overburdening that school with 150 new students.
I don’t know what to say other than that I do not feel that the board is motivated by an earnest desire to serve all students of the SSRSB nor do I feel they are representing me or the region, and they are not acting in the best interests of all schools involved; Pentz, Petite or Hebbville. I feel there is a definite lack of due diligence in this matter.
Thank you,
Johanna Hayes