Outpouring of support for GPACA!

Huge thanks to the Petite Riviere volunteer fire department for hosting the meeting & the Ladies Auxilary and community volunteers for providing refreshments.

The Greater Petite Area Community Association (GPACA) held their founding meeting on May 4th, welcoming close to 75 community members, to share information & updates, build membership and provide an opportunity to learn more ways to get involved in the community.

GPACA Chair, Stacey Godsoe, sharing updates with the community.

There was a buzz of optimism and positivity as people signed up to becomes GPACA members, purchase lawn signs and write postcards to politicians all in support of the Petite for the Future campaign.

Supportive community members signing up for a GPACA membership!

If you would like to become a member of the GPACA, please just send an email to petiteforthefuture at gmail dot com or connect directly with a GPACA board member.

Members will receive advanced notice of fundraising concerts & other special events. GPACA requests only your contact information and your support of the mission to support educational, cultural and community development initiatives in the Greater Petite Area.

We are so grateful for all the volunteers who offered to help out – Folks were signing up for tasks left & right!

Thank you!

This community is filled to the brim with incredible volunteers!


What a week!

4 prime time radio spots on CBC 1, 3 letters to Lighthouse, 2 stories on CKBW and 1 video with over 15,000 views in less than 24 hours! Our blog and petition went live. Lots of impassioned letters from community to officials. Third action team meeting.

AND the staff at PRES went above and beyond and hosted amazing Winter Carnival activities all week to make every day special despite some upsetting headlines kids may have been privy to.

This one goes out to you – Freedom Fighters. Happy Weekend!
