For years, very committed citizens have been fighting to save the Petite Rivière Elementary School.

For years, very committed citizens have been fighting to save the Petite Rivière Elementary School. The value of this school to a growing population of young children and the value of this school to the community at large have been discussed openly in great detail.

Nevertheless, officials who would rather see young children bused out of their community to an already overcrowded school continue to ignore the educational and social importance of the Petite School.

The officials who vote to close Petite Riviere Elementary School and those who, by their silence, support closure are supposed to represent the interests of the people in their constituency.

My question to those officials: exactly whose interests do you reflect when you vote to close this school? How, in good conscience, can you oppose the position that is universally held by the people in the area you represent and who look to you to lead with thoughtful and insightful decisions?

Peter Barss

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